Thursday, August 5, 2021

An opulent life (Bodysuit Caption)

Ah yes, another day, another invitation to spend time on a luxury yacht. This time, it was with a rich Italian businessman who wanted to spend his own money willy nilly, and if he had several exquisite women with him, that was even better. Needless to say, receiving an invitation was as simple as letting him slide into her DMs; the key to living this exotic life was, especially in this case, to fake it until you made it. It got a bit tedious with the constant spending, but at least it justified enjoying the more lavish things in life. Now, once onboard, she did the necessary participation in other people's photos (because one had to document they were better that the rest), but thankfully there was enough high-quality booze there to alleviate that thankless task. Mentally, she'd promised herself that once this was all over and she could remove their most popular suit, it'd be time to kick back with Netflix and some pizza. Until then, the influencer known as "Nicole "would be a flirtatious tease and maybe, just maybe, convince this Venetian guy that today was his lucky day. Wink wink.


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