Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Filling in for the boss


“Thank you, we'll be in touch.”

With that, Nicole Firenze ended the call in the privacy of her comfy penthouse office. As one of the firm’s top businesspeople, she was responsible for several key clients, meaning she was in a constant stream of calls. Thankfully, the day was an easier one and she didn’t have anything else on the docket. Her schedule was double checked and, once she was sure that there was nothing else, she made her way to the door before looking to see if anybody was nearby. Satisfied that there was nobody in the vicinity, she locked it and lowered the window blinds. Now back at her desk, she reached for her neck and found what she wanted. Pulling up, the mask came off, revealing the dreadlocked assistant underneath. Sighing in relief, she logged back in to her computer and pulled up Zoom, where she had an important call.


“Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Still sick but a bit better. How was the day? I hope my clients weren’t too much for you.”

“Oh, they were a handful as you know, but I asked myself, ‘what would Nicole do?’.”

This elicited a laugh. “Ha, well played, Ashanti.”

“I’m just glad we could keep things going,” came the answer. As much as she tried to play it cool, Ashanti blushed hearing her boss compliment her.

“You’ve done a great job! Fortunately, you won’t have to be roleplaying as me for much longer; I should be back soon.”

“You sure about that? I don’t mind filling in for you longer.”

“No, no, you’ve done a great job and I don’t want to keep you too busy! Plus, I am feeling better, so I’ll let you know when you can stop masquerading as me. Anyways, don’t forget to fill me in later on who and what you talked to. Enjoy the rest of the night, and I’ll make sure you get your bonus soon.”


My friend NotWhatItSeems did this for me, and I couldn't be happier about how it turned out!


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