Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Feeling chocolatey


 Once the Kyrae mask came off, Jason was able to breathe, literally and figuratively. Being a semi-famous cam girl was a blast no doubt, but it came with some responsibilities and s/he had a lot of shoots on the schedule. He wasn't afraid of people looking up and seeing the real face behind the body, not that most people actually knew about his persona in the first place; sure, some people probably had their own thoughts, but nobody actually had spoken up regarding them. Some days it was incredibly hectic and tiring, but it more than paid the bills, and he got to enjoy expressing himself in ways he wasn't able to previously do! For now it was his own private time to actually enjoy the suit, since work kept him occupied. However, he now had the rest of the day off to enjoy the views his hotel offered...and maybe contribute to them a bit. Glancing over at the mask on the nearby table with a sly grin, he knew what he was going to do. With practiced ease, the mask came back on, and the self-proclaimed Chocolate Booty Goddess was back in action!


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