Monday, March 18, 2024

Bath, boobs, and beyond (Bodysuit Caption)


Alone in the hotel's private hot tub, Garret was enjoying being able to sit back and relax. He was thankful for his alter ego Christine to thank for this opportunity to be here, but as he was learning, the life of an influencer was far more demanding than people thought. Consequently, having some private space was an absolute godsend--he was absolutely dying for a chance to catch his thoughts and not have to be "on". Once he closed and locked the door to the exclusive pool, he reached to the back of the head and pulled upwards, allowing the mask to come off with a satisfying sound; the small amount of steam emitted from it was also part of the ritual he'd come to enjoy. Finally though, he was able to enjoy the fruits of his (well, Christine's, technically speaking) labor, and opening up a bottle of champagne sent by the hotel, he toasted the high life. From ordering the suit on a whim to seeing how it'd evolved into something much more, it was surreal how quick his fortune turned around. And that deserved to be celebrated!






Sequel to these:



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