Thursday, October 3, 2019

After the party (Reuploaded)

"Fucking finally," she sighed, totally exhausted. "That was a long night with lots of shitty customers. Thank god I can take off this hostess persona for the night."

Working in a fancy restaurant as this, Margo had seen it all. From businessmen who wanted to show off their wealth (compensating, much?) from men who got a bit grabby, she'd had to put up with a lot of shit. However, this took the cake-a company was having a party in honor of their boss. What seemed like an eternity, the boozed up guys eventually started to stagger home, leaving her to clean up the mess with her fellow employees. What everybody there didn't realize was that she literally meant that she would be taking off her persona; a little zipping noise accompanied the fact that her "face" was gently being lifted off, only to be put back on when she clocked back in the next day.

Grabbing her coat and heading out the door, she made her final reflections on the night.

"At least the bank I made tonight off of tips make it all worth being the 'pretty face'. Getting this bodysuit was a worthy investment!"

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