Sunday, January 2, 2022

A third inspection (Bodysuit Caption)


"Thank you for that information, but as it turns out, you've got more problems on your hands."

"What? What do you mean?"

The blonde woman stepped aside, letting DEA agents into the apartment.


Once the surprise raid was complete, the busty, blonde inspector made her way back to her office, where she was met by her superior. 

"Well Pavlenko," came the greeting, "You've done a lot of fantastic work for us."

She smiled back.

"I do my best. Plus, it's hard not to feel inspired when you're in a suit like this."

"Without a doubt. However, we do feel that your time in it has run down. People have gotten too familiar with this inspector, and there's no more element of surprise."

The agent's face betrayed no emotion as they responded.

"Understood. So you're asking me to retire this persona, then."

"Think of it as a nudge towards your next one. You've done well as 'Inspector Pavlenko', but we need you to keep everybody on their toes. When you're ready, see me in my office for your next cover."

With that, their boss walked away, leaving the agent to savor the last moments of being the blonde "inspector from the Department of Health". Eventually, they headed to the locker room, where they repeated the now-ingrained pattern of unsuiting. First came the tight-fitting clothes' removal, then once the inspector was naked, the mask came off, followed by the unzipping of the suit. Unlike previous assignments, the mask and suit would go in storage, instead of the locker. With a bittersweet grin, they picked up the empty mask and admired it. Agents don't normally think much about their guises, but here, they took some time to look back and reflect on the adventures of the beautiful "inspector". From busting drug rings (the Carrasco case, in particular) to conducting undercover sweeps, this suit had been through it all--it was one of the best disguises the agency had. In a way, this was also significant for the agent given how much time was spent as one Inspector Opal Pavlenko; once undercover you had to live and breathe the guise, and, like in this situation, it was a difficult adjustment. Finally, the inevitable came: walking into the props room and handing everything over. With one final glance, the agent looked back at the badge and, as they turned it in, they smiled.

"Well, it was one hell of a run, but I hope this won't be the last I see of you."



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