Saturday, August 20, 2022

The home trainer's cameo (Bodysuit Caption)


Once the video was completed, Lillian smiled.  Due to the rise in her popularity as a personal trainer during the pandemic, her follower count increased. And because of that, she'd gotten a lot of requests for some personal messages; it resulted in her opening up a page on Cameo, where she had a decent side gig going. Today was one of her days off from posting videos, but she was busy at work recording some of these messages for her growing fanbase. In particular, she was asked to do something sultry, for her top tier of course. For Liam, the guy who'd forked out a decent amount for the quick clip, she made sure to lay on her posh accent for the maximum effect. Eventually, she recorded something she knew he'd love, and with a smile, posted it on the site.

Turning off her cam and computer, she could finally relax. However, she had one more thing left to do. Stripping out of her skimpy workout clothes, she tossed them aside as she reached up to the back of her neck, where the zipper was. Pulling down on it, the bodysuit deflated with a rewarding sound, allowing the person underneath to finally remove their guise of a preppy, busty British woman. They picked up the now-deflated suit and smiled at they looked at the empty face now in their hands: no more having to pretend to be a posh fitness trainer for a while.


Sequel of sorts to this:

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