Tuesday, July 25, 2023

In deep cover (Bodysuit Caption)


Sgt. Jimena Mendoza looked at herself in the mirror, ready to head out to her shift. She worked in the local branch of the border control, and while she wasn't one of the main people, she did play her part. After all, being in charge of recording who crossed was helpful, and she consequently was subtly an important employee in this particular department. It was a position that she'd earned throughout the last several years, but somewhat surprisingly she'd turned down offers to be promoted to much more lucrative and cozy positions. To the other officers at the station, this was odd, but if there was anybody else who thought she was mad for being where she was, they kept that to themselves. However, unbeknownst to them, and it would explain why this was the way it was, she wasn't actually Jimena Mendoza.

The agency had long kept Agent Falk undercover to keep an eye on movement in the city, and it was time to finally reap the benefits of that. Tonight would be when they'd be moving material and people, and they needed a friendly eye to ensure they'd be impeded. Enter "Sgt. Mendoza", who'd be able to pull strings that the drop would go off without a hitch. But, until then, her responsibility would be to keep her head down and play the role of an average customs officer in a relatively quiet station. Underneath the uniform, Falk was snug inside the bodysuit and raring to go; she'd gotten so used to the extra padding inside that it was going to be strange once this particular disguise wasn't needed. There was only one thing left to do before heading out: checking the mask. Falk thought that everything was in order, but she didn't spend years undercover without being properly paranoid, thus she conducted one last review. It was a bit bittersweet as far as she was concerned, as if everything went well, this would likely be the last time she donned the Mendoza guise. However, agents got over that attachment to their undercover personas quickly, so that feeling was fleeting. Now satisfied with the guise, it was time for her to get the show on the road.





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