Friday, December 18, 2020

After a long day (Bodysuit Caption)


 Working for the premier company, The Bodysuit Company, on the market was a blast. Who wouldn't like testing out their entire range of suits, after all? Today, it was time to take the new "Louisa" suit out for a run, and boy was it fun! Oh, for sure it was hard work, as each and every bodysuit had to be 100% unblemished; the customers demanded perfection, so the onus was on the company to live up to expectations. Fortunately, this enabled the testers to have a blast-it was on them to make sure any and all possible situations would be covered. Sometimes they were told to iron out specific issues, such as exposure to lots of water (which was especially a concern for the "Party Girl" and "Makeup Model" suits), but today was the start of a run-of-the-mill test. Throughout the week (or longer, if necessary), "Louisa" would be out and about, but after reporting to "her" boss, the okay was given to stop for the day and enjoy "herself". Naturally, this was on the company's dime because they saw it as a chance to let their trusted employees relax as well as figure out the quirks of the suits in a more informal setting. Given that "she" was working the beach area on this hot day, it was time to treat "herself" to a nice cold one! And hey, maybe she'd run into somebody special to give the suit its inaugural customer satisfaction test.



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