Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bounce if you're excited (Bodysuit Caption)


Priscila let her sizeable cleavage bounce as she admired her new dress in her bedroom mirror. She'd gone out plenty of times before, but tonight was different: there would be a lot of cute guys at the party and she wanted to look her best. And in her dress, nobody would be able to take their eyes off of her! Of course, there was more to it.

Underneath the Hispanic facade was Kelly, an average white girl. It wasn't that she felt like she was ignored nor wasn't attractive, but rather she wanted to do something to stand out more; she'd always been part of her ensemble of friends and acquaintances. So, unbeknownst to everybody, The Bodysuit Company had helped her create the charming, lively, spicy Colombian-American guise of Priscila Agramonte. After all, graduation afforded her the chance to move away and start something brand new. Given how many invites she received to parties and other social events, the hefty investment in the suit was, without a doubt, paying off!




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